pangea mystic art


Industrial Engineer. Painting and illustration studio with Joaquín Endara Ruiz, Ecuador. Painting studio with Rafael Espitia, Colombia.

The spiritual world has never been distant or unknown to me. We humans have inhabited this mystical planet for millennia; everything is written in our history as a race, everything is at our disposal. My love for God and his angels constantly fills my soul with light and color, opening a world of magic from which I dream and create.




pangea mystic art



Leading among her technical and artistic foundations we find Impressionism, a movement from which she takes the most intense and clear aspects of colors, together with the ability to capture dynamic sensations, movements and transformations into static images.


From Impressionism she adopts also a great interest in experimentation, which shows to be key in capturing the interests and tastes of her clients, making her work unique and personalized. 


Lina develops her artistic bases in a unique and innovative way, which feeds both on her creative capability and on a multitude of cultural influences that mark her work. She has made multiple trips seeking inspiration and learning from unfamiliar cultures and styles, which are fused into her work. Proof of this are her trips to India, which impacted her art with south asian colors, aromas, and architecture. Asian trends that are increasingly popular in western culture are made evident in her work.


pangea mystic ART




Fl 33461-1328 Palm Springs